Friday, August 27, 2010

MCA-T signs second major energy works contract with a USA-French Firm-M/s SYMBION - AREVA Joint Venture

The Millennium Challenge Account–Tanzania (MCA-T), the Accountable Entity responsible for the management of the implementation of projects funded by the Government of United States of America through Millennium Challenge Corporation, awarded a $45 million contract on 27th August 2010 to a joint venture between Symbion Power and Areva.

Chief Executive Officer,Millennium Challenge Account Tanzania (MCA-T) Mr. Bernard Mchomvu ( L) and Chief Executive Officer, Symbion Power Mr. Paul Hinks (R) signing the contract at the Millennium Challenge Account- Tanzania Office in Dar es Salaam Tanzania on 27th August 2010.

Witnessing the signing (standing back): (L-R) Deputy Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs Mr. John Haule and Ambassador of the United States of America to the United Republic of Tanzania Honorable Alfonso E. Lenhardt

The contractors will design, manufacture and install 24 power substations in 6 Mainland regions and Zanzibar

Other components in the Energy sector include the laying of a second submarine power cable linking the Mainland to Zanzibar, approximately 40 km long (132kV), 100MW from Ras Kiromoni to Ras Fumba. The Contractor, VISCAS Corporation of Japan signed the works contract in April and has commenced design works prior to the fabrication of the cable. Another component is the Distribution Network Rehabilitation and Extension in Six Regions which will involve construction of a total of 78 networks made up of some 252 kms and 1,247 kms of 11kV and 33kV respectively. The package will supply power to villages and urban areas in six Mainland regions namely Dodoma, Iringa, Mwanza, Mbeya, Morogoro and Tanga.

Friday, April 30, 2010


Today 30th April, 2010, Millennium Challenge-Account- Tanzania (MCA-T) and M/s VISCAS Corporation of Japan signed a contract for construction of the submarine cable worth USD$ 28,210,400. The event took place at the State House in Zanzibar was witnessed by His Excellency, Amani Abeid Karume, President and Chairman of the Zanzibar Revolutionary Government and Honorable Alfonso E. Lenhardt, Ambassador of the United States of America to the United Republic of Tanzania.

Front: Chief Executive Officer of Millennium Challenge Account Tanzania (MCA-T) Mr. Bernard Mchomvu (2nd R) and Senior Manager VISCAS, Mr. Tetsuji Ohno (3rd R) signing the contract at the State House in Zanzibar on 30th April 2010.
1st R is MCA-T General Counsel Dr. Medard Kalemani.

Back: His Excellency, Amani Abeid Karume, President and Chairman of the Zanzibar Revolutionary Government (1st R); Honorable Alfonso E. Lenhardt, Ambassador of the United States of America to the United Republic of Tanzania (2nd R) and other Representatives from Zanzibar Revolutionary Government.


30th APRIL 2010

Your Excellency, President of Zanzibar and Chairman of the Revolutionary Council; Hon. Amani Abeid Karume,

Hon. Shamsi Vuai Nahodha, Chief Minister, Zanzibar Revolutionary Government

Hon. Alfonso E. Lenhardt Ambassador of the United States of America to the United Republic of Tanzania;

Hon. Mansoor Yussuf Himid, Minister for Water, Construction, Energy and Lands – Zanzibar

Hon. Dr. Mwinyihaji Makame, Minister of State (President’s Office) responsible for Finance and Economic Affairs

Hon. Ministers

Regional Commissioners

Board Members to the MCA-T Board

Karl Fickenscher, MCC Resident Country Director and Board Member to the MCA-T Board,

Mathew Kavanagh, MCC Deputy Resident Country Director.

Himesh Dhungel, MCC Director of Infrastructure (Energy)

Mr. Mohammed Hashim, ZECO Board Chairman

Mr. William Mhando, Acting TANESCO Managing Director

Mr. Hassan Ali Mbarouk, Acting ZECO General Manager

Mr Tetsuji Ohno—Senior Manager VISCAS and Authorized Representative

Mr Ollie Brogan, Senor Manager. ESBI Dublin

Mr John Ashley, ESBI Team Leader in Tanzania

Distinguished Guests

Ladies and Gentlemen;

Your Excellency,
First of all, on behalf of MCA-T, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all for having been able to attend to this important milestone in the Compact implementation history. Secondly, allow me your Excellency to thank you for the great honor that you have decided to accord to the Zanzibar Cable Interconnector works contract signing ceremony. Your noble decision to attend in person this signing event between MCA-T and VISCAS means a lot to us. The message we are getting from your presence is that you attach a lot of importance to this project and as such you demand from us a fast implementation of the project.
In a special way, allow me also to take this opportunity to thank the American Ambassador who is also here in person to witness this signing ceremony. To both MCA-T and the MCC Resident Mission, we don’t take this great gesture for granted. Indeed, it is a challenge to our measured performance. It is also a genuine reflection on the extent to which the two of you attach to the Cable project as a realistic way of giving a reliable source of energy to the people of Zanzibar.
For sure, we are all fascinated and moved by the choice of the signing venue and we have all the reasons to be proud in the way the Government of Zanzibar has taken the Compact package as an important vehicle for economic growth and poverty reduction. It is due to this that most of the Compact tied conditions precedent have been sorted out including the recent signing of the Power Purchase Agreement between TANESCO and ZECO. In this area, the main remaining issue as of now is the determination of an appropriate rate that allows our two institutions to be economically viable, a process which is ongoing. We are happy to report that all applicable institutions in Zanzibar have always been very supportive and this made our coordination work very easy. Our much gratitude goes to the three MCA-T Board members representing Zanzibar who have done all to make sure that they attend to all Board meetings.
For the Cable project, both ZECO and TANESCO have always maintained open, honest and genuine discussions between the two, including the fundamental asset of cherishing a compromising attitude and this did a great good to speed up the process. No doubt, it was not all the time smooth, but it was part of the process to get us to where we are today.,
Mr. President, what we are signing today is a product of great team work efforts involving many people from Tanzania, the USA, Ireland and the Bidders. It is important to state here that the path taken to realize today’s works signing milestone was a painful process that began in October 2008 with the engagement of an Energy Sector Projects Consulting Engineer M/S ESBI Engineering and Facility Management Limited of Ireland to undertake all vital background assignments which included technical surveys, data collection and other technical studies including the development of both bidding and contract documents.

For the purpose of record I am glad to say that the said Tender documents were completed and advertised in October 2009. Thereafter, the tender documents were taken by the potential bidders, worked upon and after the allowed time the documents were submitted in March 2010 for evaluation as per the MCC guiding Guidelines. Following the completion of both Technical and financial evaluations, the award process was completed this April 2010 ready for signing today.
I must also say here that we had a very able evaluation team made up of both local and foreign nationals and to the best of my knowledge it did a very good job. But I must also admit that in a war, it is not easy for each battalion to easily accept defeat and this is part of the challenges when doing big procurements as the ones we are doing. The best we can do is to follow the set procedures, standards and the maintenance of total fairness. We always strive to make sure that whatever is decided upon as the way forward has a credible explanation.

It is with this background that I humbly wish to thank and congratulate all parties who were involved in the entire process and who made it possible for today’s event. Special congratulations go to the winning firm Ms VISCAS for having come out as the winner. This is not because the other firms were less capable, but simply because the winning firm did make the correct combination of the fighting guns when it came to the Cable project. It is due to this that I would like to thank all firms which decided to participate in the bidding process. In total we had some thirty firms which did register for the Cable Project. However, at the evaluation stage we had only three firms which had managed to submit their respective bids on the closing date.
On the other hand, we all remember that the Government of the United Republic of Tanzania entered into the Compact Agreement with the Government of the United States of America in Feb 2008 with a single purpose to address poverty reduction issues through economic development and growth. Through the Millennium Challenge Corporation (“MCC”) the USA Government extended to Tanzania a grant of approximately 698 million USD. The money has to be all spent over a period of five years. With all good economic reasons, Tanzania decided to use the money to finance the implementation of critical infrastructure projects in the country covering three sectors as follows;

a. The Transport sector projects---- consisting of four distinct activities, namely the Mainland Trunk Roads Activity, the Zanzibar Rural Roads Activity, the Road Maintenance Activity and the Mafia Island Airport Activity.

b. The Energy Sector Projects----- consisting of three distinct activities, the Zanzibar Interconnector Activity, the Malagarasi Hydropower and Kigoma Distribution Activity, and the Distribution Systems Rehabilitation and Extension Activity covering Mbeya, Iringa, Dodoma, Morogoro, Tanga and Mwanza..

c. The Water Sector Projects---- consisting of three distinct activities, namely, the Lower Ruvu Plant Expansion Activity, the Non-Revenue Water Activity and the Morogoro Water Supply Activity

Your Excellency, Under the Zanzibar Interconnector Activity we have three components of the project; the submarine cable, the Overhead lines and the Substations. We are here today to sign a contract for the Submarine cable component. The rest will follow but they are less complicated than what we have to do under the cable component.

Your Excellency, It is also important to appreciate that by nature, infrastructure projects take long to complete all vital ground works before the start of actual implementation works. The process to realize any major infrastructure development package has limited options for shortcuts. We do appreciate that given our burning desire to have the power YESTERDAY, it may be seen by many that we have taken too long to get where we are today. Yes, it has taken long, but the choice was not there if we are to do things right.

Mr. President, the contract for construction of the submarine cable will cost USD $ 28,210,400. Based on the agreed work plan we believe that all the works involved will be completed and commissioned in December 2012. This will include both the Substations and the overhead lines components of the Project.

Your Excellency, on behalf of the management of MCA-T, I would like to thank the Millennium Challenge Corporation for the good and solid cooperation and the adopted team work spirit extended to us. This does not mean that we have always agreed on everything, but for sure, at the end of the day we have always been able to come out with what we called ours. We have worked together to make sure that the consulting Engineer for the energy Project; M/s ESBI Engineering and Facility Management Ltd of Ireland delivers as per Agreement. Same with other various parties involved in making sure that this day becomes a reality. It is with this that I wish to extend my appreciation on the roles played by the many parties especially Government Ministries, ZECO, TANESCO, ZDoE, NEMC, and the great dedication of our Government valuers. The Shehas also did a highly commendable work as we were struggling with those deserving compensation in Zanzibar. To all, I say thank you for the good work and devotion.
Mr. President allow me also to use this opportunity to give a short summary as to when we expect to have signed all works contracts for all other projects covered under the Compact. This is vital as people would like to know as to when each project is expected to start and as to when they can start to harvest. Based on our work plans, we are confident that all works contracts for all projects without environmental problems will be signed before October 2010. As a matter of fact, by August this year we will have very little remaining. All construction works will be completed by early 2013.

Your Excellency, On behalf of the Millennium Challenge Account Tanzania, once again, I would like to end by expressing our much gratitude to the Government and People of the United States of America for the great support that has enabled us to get where we are today. As realistic people, this is a continuation of our two countries brotherly relations existing over several decades or since independence and now being translated into such big programmes like the Compact. We believe that this is the beginning of bigger things for the benefit of the Tanzania people in terms of poverty reduction and towards a sustainable economic growth.
On the other hand, for sure the honor you have given us cannot be expressed in words, but it suffices to say that current and future generations will treasure your great resolve to solve most of the economic hold-ups facing the people of Zanzibar including the provision for a reliable source of energy supply.
In conclusion, our much gratitude , Mr. President for this rare invitation to the State House.

Works contract for Laela - Sumbawanga road construction signed

On 29th April 2010, Millennium Challenge Account-Tanzania (MCA-T) and Aarsleff-BAM International Joint Venture has signed the works contract worth $97 million to upgrade the Laela- Sumbawanga Road (95km) to bitumen standard.

MCA-T Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Bernard Mchomvu (C ) and Representative of Aarsleff-BAM International Joint Venture Mr. H.W. Kloeze (1st R) signing the contract. 1st left is the MCA-T General Counsel, Dr. Medard Kalemani, witnessing the signing event.

The signing ceremony was witnessed among others by the TANROADS Chief Executive Officer Mr. Ephraem Mrema. (1st L)

MCA-T CEO hands over a signed document to Representative of Aarsleff-BAM International Joint Venture to signify starting of implementation. The event was witnessed by Chief Executive Officer of Tanzania National Roads Agency (TANROADS) Mr. Ephraem Mrema (1st Left), Mr. B.Jorgensen (1st R) and senior officers from TANRODS and MCA-T

This is the second major works contract to be signed, since the signing of the $698.1 million grant extended by the USA Government through the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC).

The first works contract was signed in December 2009 to upgrade Tanga Horohoro road (65 km) to bitumen standard.

Friday, April 16, 2010


The Millennium Challenge Corporation’s Vice President in charge of Compact Implementation Mr. Patrick Fine paid a courtesy call to the President of the United Republic of Tanzania Hon. Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete on the 12th of April 2010.
Front row (left to right): Mr. Andrew Mayock, Deputy Vice President for Compact Implementation, MCC; Mr. Patrick Fine, Vice President for Compact Implementation; President Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete; US Embassy Deputy Chief of Mission Larry André. Back row (left to right): Mr. Bernard Mchomvu, MCA Tanzania Chief Executive Officer and MCC Resident Country Director for Tanzania Karl Fickenscher.

President Kikwete and the MCC Vice President Mr. Patrick Fine expressed their satisfaction with the progress of implementation and strength of the US – Tanzanian partnership.
President Kikwete used the meeting to express to the new MCC leadership his gratitude to the American people for their continued support. He also exchanged views on the implementation progress of the Tanzania Compact.

World Water Day 22 March 2010

Hon Shamsi Vuai Nahodha, Chief Minister of Zanzibar Revolutionary Government addressing the public to mark National Water week on 22nd April 2010

Hon Shamsi Vuai Nahodha (1st R) listening from MCA-T Outreach Manager Ms. Margaret Mussai (2nd L) about Water projects funded by USA government through Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC). 2nd R is the Coast Region Commissioner Hajjat Amina Said Mrisho, and 1st L is Eng John Kirecha of DAWASA.

Guest of Honour Hon. Eng. Christopher Chiza (2nd R) being briefed on MCA-T and DAWASA Water projects from Manager of Community and Public Outreach Ms. Margaret Mussai (L) and Asset Management Manager -DAWASA Eng. Simon Chale (R ). Others are Acting Coast Regional Commissioner, Hajjat Halima Kihemba (2nd L) and DAWASA Chief Executive Officer Achard Mutalemwa (C )

Regional Administrative Secretary of Coast Region Mr. Mzungu (1st R) and Mafia District Commissioner Mr. Manzie Mangochei (c) receiving publicist awareness materials from MCA-T Manager Ms. M. Mussai

Live interview with TBC Taifa Radio

MCA-T teamed up with Dar es salaam Water Supply and Sanitation (DAWASA) and Dar es Salaam Water Supply Company (DAWASCO) to exhibit plans and strategies with a view to inform the public about water projects funded by United States of America through Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC).

Through the MCC funding, a total of $66,337 million has been set aside to support water sector in Tanzania with the aim of improving access to water supply and reduce water losses. The future result is to reduce critical constraints to economic growth and poverty reduction.

MCA-T has three projects under Water Sector; expansion of Lower Ruvu Treatment Plant, which will increase production of water from 180 to 270 million litres per day; improvement of Morogoro Water Supply System so as to increase production of water from 22 to 33 million liters per day. The Non Revenue water project which aim in reduction in water losses due to leakage and commercial losses.

DAWASA is the Implementing entity of MCA-T Water projects for Dar es Salaam region.

US Ambassador to Tanzania Mr. Alfonso Lenhardt visits MCA-Tanzania Offices

MCA-T CEO Mr. Bernard Mchomvu welcomes US Ambassador to Tanzania Mr. Alfonso Lenhardt at MCA-T Office.

Ambassador Lenhardt signing visitors book.

Ambassador Alfonso Lenhardt during the discussion with MCA-T Senior Management

MCA-T CEO presented two key holders and ball pens to the Ambassador as souvenir

On March 10, 2010, the US Ambassador to Tanzania Mr. Alfonso Lenhardt visited Millennium Challenge Account–Tanzania (MCA-T) Offices.

Ambassador Lenhardt had an opportunity to meet with Senior Management to discuss progress of implementation of Compact activities to date.

The Government of United States of America through Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) granted to the United Republic of Tanzania US$ 698.1 million to improve infrastructure in transportation, energy and water sectors.

“The infrastructure projects that you are doing will contribute to the health, prosperity and safety for all people in the United Republic of Tanzania” stated the Ambassador and also expressed his willingness to continue supporting the program. In his words to MCA-T members, Ambassador Lenhardt insisted on working as a team to achieve the objective efficiently and effectively, as he put it “One Team - One Mission”.

He also emphasized the importance of working hard for the remaining project time to demonstrate the success of the project which will result into improved infrastructure development and poverty reduction.

“MCC will keep on enhancing excellent partnership, promoting good governance and the prevention of corruption in collaboration with Tanzania to ensure the success of the program and hence pave the way for more investments from the United States of America”, stated the Ambassador.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Tanga Horohoro road (65km) worksite handed over to Contractor; Sinohydro Corporation Ltd to start construction

MCA-T Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Ahmed A. Rashid (2nd L), handing over a letter to Mr. Wang Jingli, (1st R), Deputy General Manager of Sinohydro Corporation Ltd. The event was witnesses by MCC Senior Director of Infrastructure Mr. Jonathan Saiger (1st L).The meeting was attended by representatives from M/S Intercontinental Consultants and Technocrats (ICT), a supervision consultant firm.

The Tanga Regional Administrative Secretary, Mr. Paul Chikira, stressing a point during the opening of the kick off meeting on 3rd February 2010 at Mkonge Hotel.

MCA-T Director of Transport Sector Projects Eng. Salum Sasillo providing highlight to the participants about the project during the discussions.

MCC Senior Director of Infrastructure Mr. Jonathan Saiger, presenting highlight on the role of MCC in the project.

TANROADS Project Coordinator Eng. Arnold Maeda showing the contractor the direction of the new road before Utofu river

On 4th February, 2010, a team of experts from Millennium Challenge-Account- Tanzania (MCA-T), Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) and Tanzania National Roads Agency (TANROADS) as the Implementing Entity, handed over Tanga -Horohoro road (65km) worksite to M/S Sinohydro Corporation Ltd (contractor) so as to give access to the contractor to start construction work.

Last December, Millennium Challenge-Account- Tanzania (MCA-T) and M/S Sinohydro signed a works contract worth TZS 69.9 billion (approximately USD 53.8 million) to rehabilitate and upgrade the Tanga –Horohoro road to bitumen standard.

The handing over excercise was preceded by a one day kick off meeting which was conducted on 3rd February 2010, attended by Regional Authorities represented by Tanga Regional Administrative Secretary Mr. Paul Chikira and Tanga District Commissioner Dr. Ibrahim Msengi

The work on Tanga- Horohoro road is the first of the six different road segments that will be rehabilitated and upgraded under the Millennium Challenge Corporation Support. Other roads being financed under the compact are Tunduma to Sumbawanga, (224.5km), Peramiho Junction to Mbinga (78km), Songea to Namtumbo (61km) and 35 km of Pemba rural roads.