The Millennium Challenge Account–Tanzania (MCA-T), the Accountable Entity responsible for the management of the implementation of projects funded by the Government of United States of America through Millennium Challenge Corporation, awarded a $45 million contract on 27th August 2010 to a joint venture between Symbion Power and Areva.
Chief Executive Officer,Millennium Challenge Account Tanzania (MCA-T) Mr. Bernard Mchomvu ( L) and Chief Executive Officer, Symbion Power Mr. Paul Hinks (R) signing the contract at the Millennium Challenge Account- Tanzania Office in Dar es Salaam Tanzania on 27th August 2010.
Witnessing the signing (standing back): (L-R) Deputy Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs Mr. John Haule and Ambassador of the United States of America to the United Republic of Tanzania Honorable Alfonso E. Lenhardt
The contractors will design, manufacture and install 24 power substations in 6 Mainland regions and Zanzibar
Other components in the Energy sector include the laying of a second submarine power cable linking the Mainland to Zanzibar, approximately 40 km long (132kV), 100MW from Ras Kiromoni to Ras Fumba. The Contractor, VISCAS Corporation of Japan signed the works contract in April and has commenced design works prior to the fabrication of the cable. Another component is the Distribution Network Rehabilitation and Extension in Six Regions which will involve construction of a total of 78 networks made up of some 252 kms and 1,247 kms of 11kV and 33kV respectively. The package will supply power to villages and urban areas in six Mainland regions namely Dodoma, Iringa, Mwanza, Mbeya, Morogoro and Tanga.